
  Solar System

Internet Site Exploration


 Directions: Go to the following Internet sites and answer the questions below.


Site #1:


Click on the Level 1 Solar System tab; page down and click on The Moon.


1. Who was the first human to set foot on the Moon?



2. What was the date the Lunar Module landed on the Moon's surface?



3. What was recently discovered at the poles (top and bottom) of the Moon?



Click the Back button; page down and click on The Sun.


4. What type of star is the Sun? _________________________


5. How old is the Sun? _________________________________


6. What are the storms on the Sun's surface called?




Site #2


Page down to The Earth; click on Atmosphere; click on Axis, Tilt, Seasons.


1. The Earth's seasons are a result of what?



2. What degree is the tilt of Earth's axis?___________________


3. Why is summer warmer than winter?_____________________




Page up and click on The Moon.


4. The Moon is on average how many miles away from Earth?



5. Does the same side of the Moon always face the Earth?



6. What is the daytime high temperature and the nighttime low temperature of the Moon?






Site #3


Click on the Earth on the left hand side of the page and answer the following questions.


1. One orbit of the Sun takes how many days?________________


2. How long does it take for the Earth to make one rotation?



3. What is the Earth's distance from the Sun?



Page back up and click on Earth's Moon and answer the following questions.


4. What is the name given to the Moon?____________________


5. When you see a dark spot on the Moon, what are you looking at?




6. If a large object struck the Moon today, would it cause a

volcano? Why or why not?_____________________________





Site # 4


Scroll down, enter your weight, click Calculate, and answer the following questions.


1. What is your weight on the Moon?_______________________


2. What is your weight on Mars?__________________________


3. What is your weight on Jupiter?________________________


4. What is your weight on Pluto?__________________________


5. What is your weight on the Sun?________________________


6. On which planet would your weight be nearly the same as on Earth?




Site #5


Click on the picture of the Sun and answer the following questions.


1. How long ago was the Sun formed?______________________


2. How long does it take for the Sun to spin one time?



3. What is the temperature of the Sun's core?________________



4. How many minutes does it take the Sun's light to travel to the Earth? _________________________________________________


5. How many Earth's could fit inside the Sun? ________________



6. Why do sunspots appear dark?__________________________


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